Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 6

Since my last entry, I did receive and install the Snow Leopard OS up-grade and download the SDK program, however it took two days, primarily my evenings, to complete these operations.

Initially, when I installed Snow Leopard OS X, it immediately threw me to the Apple website for the recent up-grade of Snow Leopard 10.6.2. I then had to download the upgrade (which took more than an hour). When I tried to install the up-grade my computer wouldn't allow it to be up-graded. After much haranguing, I called Apple.

I was instructed to try Software updates under the apple icon. I checked up-dates but my system didn't display details, which struck the support tech as wrong. So, she then instructed me to go to my system utilities and run the repair program. This did isolate an issue and repaired it.

After which, I was able to download the software up-grade 10.6.2 and install. The next step was to install the SDK from the developer center at

Remember, that before you can download the SDK you have to register as a developer and create an Apple ID. I had done this days earlier. So I logged on to my account and downloaded the Xcode for Snow Leopard (3.2 version).

Finally, the technical stuff was out of the way and I immediately began new project.

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